When I moved to California 5 years ago, I was shocked by the sheer amount of sunshine this beautiful state receives. As the moving company long distance crew was still unloading the moving truck from my Los Angeles interstate move, I was already contemplating how quickly I could get solar panels installed on my roof. In Maine, where I moved from, there are simply not enough days of sun to make solar panels practical. So, you can imagine my excitement when I moved to Cali and discovered its booming solar industry. Within a month of my relocation, my solar panels were installed and harnessing the sun’s energy to power my house. I couldn’t be happier with my decision! For those that are new to the area, here are five reasons why you should jump on the solar energy train after a move to the Golden State.

Save Money

One of the main reasons why Californians switch from traditional sources of electricity to solar energy is to save money. Energy produced from the sun can provide you and your family with endless power, and it’s nice when you can pay less than what you’re used to due to a solar-powered home. You can even extend solar energy to different parts of your house, including lighting, water heating and cooling, and other different technologies. And since solar panels are low maintenance and can last up to 20-30 years without needing inspection, you can save a lot of money on repairs as well.
California is a prime state for solar panel installations because many cities experience 200+ days of sunshine annually.

Create Jobs

When you invest in solar energy, you’re also helping to create numerous jobs for your fellow Californians. The Solar Foundation has reported that employment in the solar industry has increased 12 times faster than the overall economy in 2015, and has continued to grow since. And to support the economy, provide for your community, and keep higher-paying jobs within the state, it’s best to transition to solar energy.
Installing solar panels on your roof may help lower your monthly energy bill, plus it’s sustainable, which means it’s better for the environment. A win-win for everyone!

Help the Environment

Making the switch to using solar-powered electricity is good for the environment as it’s naturally produced by the sun. Other sources of energy such as gasoline or coal can release harmful gasses that can both damage the atmosphere and contribute to the rising issue of global warming. Solar energy is a clean source of power and can benefit everyone on the planet. A basic solar panel system in a residential home can even eliminate up to four tons of gas emissions each year, which is the equivalent of you personally planting 100 trees every single year. And since solar energy isn’t obtained by drilling, digging or mining, you also don’t have to worry about it running out after a certain number of years.

Increase Property Values

With more and more people transitioning to solar energy, homebuyers in California are quickly realizing that solar panels add tremendous value to a property. In fact, homes with integrated solar technology tend to sell quicker and at a higher price than homes without. And as the availability and use of solar panels continue to increase, the real estate market will follow suit and set higher prices for houses with solar panels. Even though you might have just moved to the area, it’s never too early to start thinking about building equity in one of the biggest investments you have: your home.

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